Patria Presents its Proposal for Local Production of a New Armored Vehicle to the Parliamentary Defense Committee

On February 14th, representatives of the Finnish company Patria, met with the MPs from the parliamentary defense committee at the National Assembly. Patria intends to take part in the modernization of the Bulgarian Army by participating in the procedure for the acquisition of new armored vehicles for the Land Forces.

The president of Patria Land System Mika Kari and the vice president of Patria Land System Markku Koivisto presented to the MPs from the parliamentary defense committee the company's proposal for a new armored vehicle for the LF - the Patria AMV. The Patria AMV is a modern armored 8x8 vehicle that combines together capabilities such as high level of protection, agility, mobility, convenience and firepower, as well as ability to operate under Eastern and NATO weapons caliber. Apart from this, the vehicle has amphibious capability that makes is more adaptable for overcoming water obstacles and fit for use under different climatic conditions.


An important part of Patria's proposal to the Bulgarian side is the possibility the vehicles to be produced in Bulgaria by transfer of technology and know-how. Patria has presented the key success elements of a technology transfer program - evaluation, detailed planning, building up factory facilities, support of the implementation and product deliveries, as well as support in the fielding phase. Under the technology transfer the local partner will receive all documentation and training, onsite support, equipment and tools to start the production. Patria has considerable experience in this sphere and has performed transfer of technology for defense production in Poland, Slovenia, Croatia and South Africa, and is currently in discussions on new projects. One of the success stories is in Poland -...

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