Patria AMV

Patria Delivers a New Version of AMVXP to Slovakia as a Part of a Joint Slovak-Finnish 8x8 Vehicle Development Program

The Slovak and Finnish Ministries of Defense have agreed on a joint 8x8 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) development program, and Patria has been selected to deliver a new prototype version of AMVXP 8x8 chassis as part of the program.

Patria Presents its Proposal for Local Production of a New Armored Vehicle to the Parliamentary Defense Committee

On February 14th, representatives of the Finnish company Patria, met with the MPs from the parliamentary defense committee at the National Assembly. Patria intends to take part in the modernization of the Bulgarian Army by participating in the procedure for the acquisition of new armored vehicles for the Land Forces.

Finland Offers to Include Bulgarian Industry in Potential AMV Supply Deal

Finland's Patria said on Wednesday it is offering to Bulgaria the options of technology transfer and local production in case the Balkan country chooses to acquire armoured modular vehicles (AMVs) from the company.

The company offers a scheme for industrial participation and local production that will leave more than 50% of the investment in Bulgaria, Patria said in a statement.