Sofia Welcomes the New Year with a Stage Under the Stars


The hosts of the show are Anna Angelova and Vladimir Penev.

For the 19th time the Bulgarian National Television and the Sofia Municipality organize the show "Stage under the Stars" at "Knyaz Alexander I" Square.

The musical program includes popular performers. Sofia residents and guests will see and hear Hilda Kazasyan and Vassil Petrov with Banda of Angel Zaberski, Akaga Group, DARA, Mihaela Marinova, Christiana Loizu, Signal Group and Nikolina Chakardakova with the Nevrokopian Dancers Ensemble.

Each year, more than 20,000 people are involved in the big event, and together they celebrate with more than 1 million viewers in front of the television screens.

"Stage under the Stars" is part of the Calendar of Cultural Events of Sofia Municipality.

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