Greek olive oil campaign draws on the passion of its producers

Giorgos runs the coffee shop on the main square but his greatest passion is Greek olive oil, especially that from Laconia in the southeastern Peloponnese - he takes any perceived slight against the local product very personally. Fatouros is a Kalamata native who takes pride in the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) distinction bestowed on the virgin olive oil produced in the southwestern Peloponnese. Manolios, meanwhile, like every Cretan producer, believes his olive oil is the best in the world - and definitely better than that made by the guy next door. The three of them, along with their families, neighbors and village priests, have gone head-to-head in a new reality show to determine who produces the best Greek olive oil.

They are also fictional characters - but certainly inspired by real people - in Olive Oil Battles, an initiative aimed at showcasing the fascinating...

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