SYRIZA central committee approves censure motion against leader Stefanos Kasselakis

[InTime News]

A censure motion against SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kasselakis was approved on Sunday by the 300-member central committee of the main opposition party.

A total of 163 voted in favor of the censure motion, 120 voted against, and there were three invalid or blank votes. The motion required 148 votes to pass.

The motion, proposed by the "Group of 87" faction - supporters of former prime minister and party leader Alexis Tsipras - was submitted on Saturday.

As a result, an extraordinary party congress will be convened with new delegates to decide on the process for electing a new leader.

Controversial MP and former alternate health minister Pavlos Polakis has announced his intention to run against Kasselakis. Additionally, MEP Nikos Farantouris has indicated that he is considering a bid for the party's leadership.

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