Avramopoulos tells Skai he's open to Novartis probe, 'justice will speak'

In an exclusive interview with Skai's Istories (Stories) program that aired late on Tuesday night, European Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos, one of 10 Greek politicians alleged to have accepted bribes from the Swiss drug manufacturer Novartis, said he had nothing to hide and was open to being investigated so that the affair can be resolved.

"Justice will speak, until the moment when those scumbags who set up this conspiracy find themselves in the dock," said Avramopoulos who served as Greece's health minister from 2006 to 2009. 

He said he was open to all his assets and accounts being probed as he has nothing to hide. And he said he was confident that those he worked with were also above board. 

"Let them investigate my colleagues," he said. "And if they find anything, let them face the firing squad." 

Avramopoulos also defended former...

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