Maduro Arrives to Officially Register for Venezuela Presidential Run

Thousands of Venezuelans accompanied the incumbent for his official registration.

Supporters of President Nicolas Maduro gathered Tuesday in several locations across Caracas to accompany the incumbent as he registered as a candidate for the April 22 presidential elections.

Last week, Maduro called on Venezuelans to show up to the National Electoral Council, or CNE, offices as he delivered the required documents for his candidacy.

Maduro also handed in the Government Program for the 2019-2025 presidential period, which is considered to be the continuation of Hugo Chavez' Fatherland Plan 2013-2019.

This program includes the proposals from popular assemblies that began in January, where more than three million Venezuelans took part.

Despite statements from parties in the Democratic Unity Roundtable, or MUD, coalition that they would not take part in the upcoming elections, the Venezuelan president called on the opposition to challenge him and ignore instructions coming from the United States.

"I call again the Venezuelan opposition to break its dependence ties with the United States' Charge d'Affaires of their embassy and its diplomatic characters," said Maduro.

Before registering as an official candidate, Maduro visited the "Mountain Barracks" in Caracas to pay his respects to former president Hugo Chavez, who passed away on Mar. 5, 2013.

"We arrive to this sacred place full of energy to pay honor to our unconquered commander and tell him we won't ever fail him," Maduro wrote on his Twitter account.

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