Police brace for upheaval on anniversary of Fyssas killing

Police chiefs are bracing for upheaval over the next few days ahead of the fifth anniversary of the killing of the 34-year-old rapper Pavlos Fyssas by a member of the neofascist Golden Dawn party. 

Authorities are said to be preparing for intense clashes between members of extreme-right and anti-fascist groups such as those that erupted in the German city of Chemnitz last month following an attack on a Jewish-owned restaurant. 

The policing of a series of events being organized in memory of Fyssas was the focus of a meeting between top police officials on Wednesday while another meeting has been planned for Friday, Kathimerini understands. 

The first major event for which police are preparing is a rally being organized by the Movement Against Racism and the Fascist Threat (KEERFA) and other leftist groups in Omonia Square at 5 p.m. on Saturday. A concert is to...

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