
Dacic: Our duty is to not allow attempts to change history

BELGRADE - Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic congratulated all Serbian citizens on May 9 - WWII Victory Day - on Thursday.

"Victory Day is a great holiday, a symbol of heroism and unity of peoples that, above all, brings back strong memories of the joint fight against fascism, the biggest evil of the 20th century," Dacic said in a statement released by the Interior Ministry.

Bulgarian Socialist Party Leader Commemorates Victory Day and Europe Day with Call for Peace

As Bulgaria marks both Victory Day and Europe Day, Kornelia Ninova, leader of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), took a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made during World War II and the enduring quest for peace on the continent.

21 members of Italian neo-fascist group arrested in Athens

A group of 21 Italian neo-fascists were apprehended at Athens International Airport late on Tuesday, as reported by the police.

The group, members of the far-right group CasaPound, intented to attend a rally on Wednesday afternoon, commemorating the 2013 killing of two members of the now-defunct neo-Nazi Golden Dawn outside the party's offices in Neo Iraklio, northern Athens.

The many claimants of victory

Legislative efforts to shield the state against the far-right failed and the seed of fascism was not pulled up by the roots. So what if one of neo-Nazi Golden Dawn's most prominent lieutenants was jailed? He's still pulling the strings from his cell.

She was killed by the Ukrainians, though. Washington knew?

US intelligence services believe that individuals within the Ukrainian government approved the assassination of Darya Dugina, the daughter of the influential Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin.
The news was published by the New York Times, stating that the US denies any involvement in this attack.

Daughter of ‘Putin’s brain’ ideologist killed in car blast

The daughter of a Russian nationalist ideologist who is often referred to as "Putin's brain" was killed when her car exploded on the outskirts of Moscow, officials said Sunday.

The Investigative Committee branch for the Moscow region said the Saturday night blast was caused by a bomb planted in the SUV driven by Daria Dugina.
