Greece among Europe's most religious countries, Pew study finds

Greece is the fourth most religious country in Europe, behind Romania, Armenia and Georgia, a study by the Pew Research Center has found.

According to the survey published on Wednesday by the American think-tank, Greece ranked first, however, on the importance of religion in citizens' lives, with a response rate of 55 percent, against Romania's 50 percent.

The predominantly Christian Orthodox country came in fifth place on the question of whether citizens believe in God with absolute certainty, with 59 percent of Greeks saying they do. In terms of attendance to religious ceremonies, 38 percent responded in the affirmative, putting Greece in sixth place.

Last but not least, 29 percent said they pray every day, giving Greece an overall score of 49 percent in the survey titled "How do European countries differ in religious commitment?" Romania was given a score of 55...

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