ND says KYSEA's military picks smack of partisanship

Opposition New Democracy has accused the government of trying to place the armed forces under SYRIZA's control with last week's new leadership appointments. 

"After its interventions in the judiciary, independent authorities and public administration, the SYRIZA government is continuing its partisanship with its appointments in the armed forces and the imminent ones in the police," New Democracy said in a statement.

Last Friday Greece's Council for Foreign Affairs and Defense (KYSEA), chaired by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, announced a series of appointments in the armed forces after Evangelos Apostolakis left the post of chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff (GEETHA) to become defense minister.

The outgoing commander in chief of the Hellenic Fleet, Vice Admiral Ioannis Pavlopoulos, said his removal from his post was not meritocratic and drew...

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