Wine Heroes of New Europe

One of main objectives of 2019 Grand VINART Tasting, taking place 1 - 2nd of March, is to present the potential, variety and quality of wines from New Europe. In the wine world, it unites, in addition to Slovenia and Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Macedonia and Serbia. The key message of the event is: the region is strong only as much as it is connected. This emblematic event, organised by Croatian wine expert Sašo Špiranec, is taking the lead in the local wine festival scene and rivalling those top ones from neighbouring countries. "By combining well known and reliable recipes for organizing wine festivals with new and original ideas, we are trying to push the boundaries of quality in promoting and presenting wine brands," stresses Špiranec.

Wines from New Europe are too often understood as a source of...

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