Mostly Sunny with Max Temperatures Between 10 ° and 15 °
Today the weather will be mostly sunny. It will blow a mild to moderate wind from West to Northwest. The daily temperatures will rise even higher and the maximum will be between 10 ° and 15 °, for Sofia - about 12 °. This was reported by FOCUS News Agency from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH).
The atmospheric pressure will slowly decrease and will remain higher than the average for the month.
Over the Black Sea the weather will be mostly sunny. It will blow a mild to moderate wind from West to Northwest. Maximum temperatures between 10 ° and 13 °. The sea water temperature is 6-7 °. The waves of the sea will be 1-2 bales.
Above the mountainsit will be mostly sunny. The wind will quench and in the afternoon it will be weak to moderate from the North-Northeast. The maximum temperature at a height of 1200 meters will be about 6 °, at 2000 meters - about 0 °.
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