Greece’s first seeing eye dog dies at age of 16

Lara, the black labrador who became a symbol of hope for blind and visually impaired people in Greece by becoming the country's first trained guide dog, died on Tuesday night, aged 16.
The news was announced by her owner, Ioanna-Maria Gertsou, in a post on her Facebook page: "When I first held the handle that connected me to the dog, I was startled: I knew I was going in one direction, but at the same time, I felt an unexpectedly familiar strength directing me somewhere else. I remained standing in that one spot - it was the only thing I could do. Then, I heard the voice of the trainer calling out to me, 'Follow the dog!' And that's what I did. I followed the dog. Lara: 03/05/2003-26/03/19," wrote Gertsou, a psychologist at Aghia Sofia Children's Hospital in Athens and a visually impaired activist for human diversity.
"The end of an era, the beginning of a new one. Lara,...

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