Probe into Pakistani man’s death in police custody

[Intime News]

Citizen Protection Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis has called for an investigation by the Greek Ombudsman into the death of a 37-year-old Pakistani national while in custody at the Agios Panteleimonas police station in central Athens.

Following accusations of police brutality and misconduct, the ministry stressed the need for a swift and thorough inquiry. The autopsy cited and "unspecified cause of death" and, noting significant bruising on the man's body, signs of a "prior beating." 

Initial police reports suggest the man was arrested on September 18 following a harassment incident. Witnesses claim his injuries were caused by citizens, with further harm from a scuffle with other detainees at the station, where he was later found dead.

Amnesty International and the Hellenic League for Human Rights are calling for a transparent and effective investigation into...

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