May 24 - Day of Bulgarian Culture and Enlightenment

On May 24 we celebrate the Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture and the Slavonic Literature. This day is dedicated to the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius - the creators of the Slavonic script.

In 855 Cyril and Methodius created the Glagolitic in the Byzantine Polyhron Monastery in the area of ​​Bithynia in Asia Minor and translated sacred books there. Then they began to popularize Christianity among the Slavic-speaking peoples.

Their disciples Kliment, Naum, Sava, Gorazd, and Angelarius continued their work. They received a warm reception in Bulgaria from Prince Boris in the ninth century. The Cyrillic, which replaces the Glagolitic, was created in the Preslav School of Literature. Kliment Ohridski is regarded as its creator and the a name comes from Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher.

As a day of education, the celebration was held for the first time in Plovdiv in 1851, when at the bishop school "St. St. Cyril and Methodius "was organized at the initiative of Naiden Gerov, and in 1856 Yoakim Gruev proposed that the day of Cyril and Methodius be celebrated as a celebration of Bulgarian students.
St. Cyril and Methodius Day is celebrated by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church on 11 May in the church liturgical calendar. There is evidence that on this day has been paid tribute to the holy brothers since the 12th century.

At the end of 1968, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church introduced as a liturgical calendar the Neo-Julian calendar. Then the day of Cyril and Methodius is celebrated by the church on May 11th. According to the already established tradition, the Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture and the Slavonic Scriptures, which is also paid tribute to two brothers, remains on 24 May.
For the official holiday of Bulgaria...

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