19 Countries Are Sending Messages For a Common Future From Plovdiv

The Municipality of Plovdiv and the America for Bulgaria Foundation organize a ceremony where ambassadors from countries around the world will send messages about our common future with faith in our shared values ​​of understanding, respect and unity.

The messages will be engraved on a wall in the public space to the future entrance of the Episcopal Basilica, and its presentation to the public and the media will take place during the official opening of the Basilica in September 2019.

The Episcopal Basilica of Philippopolis, the ancient predecessor of today's Plovdiv, is one of the largest early Christian churches in the country.

It is a common place for the generations of several centuries and a monument of the continuity of different times and cultures, the organizers say.

The initiative presents Desislava Talyokova, executive director of America for Bulgaria Foundation, in an interview for "Right Today". She said they expected the work on the Great Basilica to be completed by the end of September.

,,The most amazing part of the Episcopal Basilica is its mosaics, and it is very well connected with the motto of Plovdiv ECOC 2019 - "Together". When people work together, they get a beautiful result at the end'', she added. 

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