Tsipras defends economic record, blasts ‘populist’ administration

Opposition leader Alexis Tsipras on Monday defended the economic record of his leftist administration, while accusing the conservative government of indulging in populism.
Speaking ahead of a confidence vote in Parliament, Tsipras accused New Democracy of exploiting the Prespes Accord for political expediency while slamming the government for appointing ex Greek Police chief Constantinos Tsouvalas, fired after last summer's deadly fires in eastern Attica, as general secretary at the Ministry of Citizens' Protection.
The SYRIZA leader questioned whether the conservative government will be able to uphold the relief measures introduced by his leftist administration while accusing ND of catering to the elites.
"You are giving a little to the many and a lot to the few," said Tsipras while cautioning against the privatizations planned by the conservative administration.

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