Gov't announces measures in aid of east Attica fire victims

Government spokesman Stelios Petsas has confirmed a series of measure to help people who suffered injuries and lost their homes in last summer's deadly wildfires in east Attica, confirming pledges made on Monday by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who attended a memorial service in the seaside town of Mati on Tuesday, the anniversary of the event.

Speaking in Parliament, Petsas said the government would unlock 31 million euros' worth of aid that has been trapped by red tape in the state's Special Assistance Account, while also ensuring that individuals who suffered serious burns are granted free medical attention and access to treatment products, following reports that burn victims were not getting the materials they needed from the country's main healthcare provider, EOPYY.

More than 4,300 residents who lost their homes will also be absolved from having to pay...

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