Is the US Congress coming through for Greece and Cyprus as it did in 1974?

Not since Turkey's aptly named "Operation Attila" - its 1974 invasion of Cyprus and its Srebrenica-style citizen executions and mass graves - have I seen a more just reaction from Capitol Hill. This time it's a reaction to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's acquisition of Russian S-400 missiles. Analyses of the similarities and differences between then and now can help predict what may be coming next.

Today, the ranking minority member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Bob Menendez, who introduced the first Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act, is playing a role reminiscent of my boss in the 1970s, Senator Tom Eagleton, who introduced the first Turkish Arms Embargo legislation.
In the House, Hellene Congressman Gus Bilirakis and Congressmen David Cicilline and Ted Deutch, the latter of whom is also Middle East Subcommittee...

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