Bolshoi’s ‘Raymonda’ | Athens | October 27

Tuning in live from Moscow, the Athens Concert Hall will be screening the Bolshoi Ballet's celebrated production of "Raymonda," choreographed by Yuri Grigorovich after Marius Petipa, on Sunday, October 27. In Alexander Glasunov's romance Raymonda is betrothed to Jean de Brienne, a gallant knight in the service of the King of Hungary. While she is waiting for his return from the Crusade, a Saracen knight mysteriously appears and makes a bid for her hand. Raymonda recognizes in him the ominous stranger that had haunted her dreams. The screening starts at 5 p.m. and admission costs 15 euros.
Athens Concert Hall, 1 Kokkali & Vassilissis Sofias, 
tel 210.728.2333,

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