Bulgarians Discard 670 Tonnes of Food per Year

This year we will spend nearly BGN 2 billion for food and gifts. However, according to experts, in the days after the holidays, each of us throws away a third of what he bought, NOVA reported.

Of course we bought more than we can eat, so days later, some of our money, in the form of food, goes into the bucket. Kilogram after kilogram, we annually manage to throw away 670 tonnes of junk food.

"Bulgarians throw away an average of 1/3 of everything they buy. This means that every time we go into the store and look at the products we are about to buy, we have to think that one third of it goes directly into the trash can, " the cook Bozhana Katsarova said.

In order not to throw away so much things, the advice is to think about what we are buying and whether we really need it. "Think more responsibly when shopping, always ask yourself, 'Do I need this thing?'" She said.

However, if we have unnecessarily stocked up, then the question arises: "Can we donate this food?" Numerous Facebook initiatives are an option. As an example - Loreta Todorova organized the Christmas Miracle Campaign for a third consecutive year. She collects nutritional donations for the elderly and disadvantaged. "Somehow in our daily life we ​​are still rushing and failing to think about these things, but when there is someone to invite you, things happen easier," Todorova commented.

For businesses, donations to the Food Bank are an option, but there are certain conditions - the food should be within its shelf life, its packaging should be untouched and its origin must be clear, said Tsanka Milanova of the Bulgarian Food Bank.

The big difficulty for companies comes from the fact that each product has to be labeled individually with a "donation" label....

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