Interior Minister announces gradual lockdown relaxation after May 15

There will be a gradual relaxation of the lockdown measures after the state of emergency ends on May 15, Interior Minister Marcel Vela announced on Monday, as he presented Military Ordinance No. 10 that modifies the personal movement schedule for people aged over 65 and extends the suspension of flights connecting Romania to 13 countries. The IntMin pointed out that although the May 1 holiday is approaching and the weather will be fine, it's time for people to look at priorities and realize what really matters - the health and protection of their loved ones. "I assure you that the Ministry of the Interior and all the partner structures will not relax during this period. I am sure that you will continue to show responsibility, involvement, solidarity and patriotism," the Interior Minister told his fellow Romanians. Marcel Vela emphasized that observing regulations now is the prerequisite for returning to normalcy in the future. "Your behavior so far has been and is responsible, which gives us reason to believe that we will soon be approaching normalcy. The Interior Ministry is your partner, battling the coronavirus at your side and for you. I know it's been hard, I know it's hard for all of us, but we all have the same goal: to strengthen protection in the face of this enemy that has put an entire planet in front of a huge challenge," Vela said. AGERPRES (RO - author: Daniel Alexandru Florea, editor: Andreea Rotaru; EN - author: Simona Klodnischi, editor: Simona Iacob)

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