More than 40 doctors, medical staff test positive for Covid-19 at Didymoteicho hospital

More than 40 doctors and medical staff at the General Hospital of Didymoteicho in northern Greece have tested positive for Covid-19, state broadcaster ERT reported Thursday.

According to the report, the outbreak has affected the operation of the hospital in the town which has a population of just over 9,000.

A large number of coronavirus patients have been moved to the University Hospital of Alexandroupoli, about 95km southwest of Didymoteicho, the report said.

Coronavirus-related deaths in the country dipped to 85 on Wednesday from 98 the day before that, but new infections were still quite high at 1,190, while the number of intubated patients inched up to 552 from Tuesday's 550.

The 24-hour death toll took the total number of Covid-19 fatalities to 3,870, while total infections reached 127,557 with Wednesday's figures, according to the daily...

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