Greece is not ‘dragging’ the EU into anything; it is one of its members

Turkey is demanding that Greece not ask for help from others and not involve the European Union in their disputes. This was recently repeated by the foreign and defense ministers of Greece's eastern neighbor.

However, the "demand" ignores an important parameter that is part of the equation of Greek-Turkish relations; that Greece is an equal member of a union and acts as such in matters that concern it.

The differences that Canada may have with the US state of Maine or that Cuba may have with Florida obviously concern the whole of the United States.

One would reasonably argue that the EU is not - yet - the United States of Europe, as envisioned by Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet. However, it exists, and for the last 70 years it has been moving forward - with setbacks, with successes and failures, with delays, but forward - on a path of unification.


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