Milo Djukanovic refused to sign the Law on Freedom of Religion

The reason for that, as he states, is the open issue of quorum at the session at which those laws were adopted, as well as the legal issue of the mandate of the two deputies.
The explanation states that pursuant to Article 90, paragraph 3 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, it is prescribed that "the quorum is determined by applying the electronic voting system, in such a way that each MP is obliged to personally identify (register) by inserting an identification card at the seat or on the basis of the records of the Secretary General of the Assembly ''.
"Therefore, the question is whether there was a quorum at the beginning of the session and the adoption of its agenda, and thus the issue of democratic legitimacy, as well as compliance of adopted laws with the Constitution of Montenegro and applicable legal regulations," Djukanovic said in a statement submitted to Tanjug.
Also, Djukanovi pointed out the open legal issue of stating the termination of the mandate of MP Filip Adi and confirming the mandate of Suada Zoronji, given the mostly negative decision of the State Election Commission, as well as the overall parliamentary practice in Montenegro that the mandate of a member of Parliament is confirmed only at proposal of that independent institutional authority.
Accordingly, Djukanovi returned the following legal acts to the Assembly for reconsideration: the Law on Amendments to the Labor Law, the Law on Amendments to the Law on Freedom of Religion and the Legal Status of Religious Communities; Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Servants and State Employees; Law on Amendments to the Law on Health Care, Law on Amendments to the Law on Credit Institutions; Law on Amendments to the Law on Rehabilitation of Credit...

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