Bulgarian Pilots Will Be Trained in US to Operate F-16 Fighter Jets

Two military pilots will join the second and third groups that are earmarked to go to the US to be trained to pilot F-16 fighter jets, said Deputy Defense Minister Atanas Zapryanov at the sitting of the parliamentary defense committee.

We remind that in mid-2020 it became clear that the Air Force commandment had made a selection of pilots, as 13 Bulgarian combat pilots will be able to fly the new aircraft.

It has also become clear that the training of our first military pilots for the F-16 will last over 3 years.

Chief of Defense Admiral Emil Eftimov pointed out that Mig-29 aircraft are ready for use at up to 40% of their capacity, and by April-May they will reach parameter of 2013-2014. The trend for it is positive, Admiral Eftimov assured.


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