Merkel: Serbia vaccinates faster than the rest of Europe

Angela Merkel's government is being criticized for the slowness of the vaccination campaign in relation to countries such as Great Britain or the United States. She called on the Germans to "endure some more time" and warned of the danger of various strains of COVID-19.
To the journalist's statement that Serbia vaccinates faster than Germany and whether the problem is if the countries outside the EU are faster, Merkel answered that it is true that Serbia vaccinates faster.
"Serbia vaccinates faster, with the Chinese vaccine. We have always said that any vaccine that gets a permit from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is welcome. I talked to the Russian president about it, and heard good news about the Russian vaccine today. Every vaccine is welcome in the EU, but only those that provide all the necessary data to EMA will be accepted", Merkel said.
She pointed out that the European Commission did not want to take responsibility for vaccination, because in the past, politics had to take responsibility, which is not wanted this time.
"We are fighting for trust in vaccines. By the end of the third quarter, as I said before, we will offer the vaccine to all citizens," she emphasized.

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