Russia has divided the EU; "They violated our dignity" VIDEO

At the moment of strained relations with Russia, some EU members, with their defending the Russian Nord Stream gas pipeline, further deepen the divisions in Europe and in the transatlantic partnership, writes the EUobserver portal, as EURACTIV reports.
Estonian MEP Riho Terras sent a letter to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Layen, in which he assessed that she should take measures against Borrell, if he does not resign himself.
Terras called on other lawmakers to sign the letter, stating that Borrell "caused serious damage to the EU's reputation" and the "dignity" of his own position as High Representative.
Although the European Parliament is not competent to make a decision on the fate of the High Representative, and the letter will probably have no consequences, according to the EU Observer, it shows how much Borrell's behavior infuriated some, especially the eastern EU members. Borrell recently traveled to Moscow on his own initiative to launch a "strategic" dialogue and call for the release of arrested Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.
However, while Borrell was in Moscow, Russian authorities expelled three Western diplomats and criticized the EU as an unreliable partner, and the High Representative not only failed to do anything for Navalny, but also criticized US policy toward Cuba and praised the Russian vaccine, writes the portal.
Upon his return, in order to defend himself from the increasingly loud criticism, Borrell wrote on his blog that he was the victim of an "aggressively directed press conference in Moscow" and that he found out about the expulsion of diplomats via "social networks".
"Russia is increasingly severing ties with Europe," Borrell assessed, and recommended the...

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