Bulgaria: As of Today, People Could Request Mobile Ballot Box to Vote

From today until next Wednesday (March 24-31), voters who will not be able to go to the polls on April 4 due to COVID-19 may request that a mobile ballot box be sent to their homes and vote in the forthcoming parliamentary elections.

These are all people who, at the time of the election, will be on home treatment with a positive PCR or antigen test, as well as those under quarantine due to contact with a proven coronavirus infection or due to return from abroad.

The deadline for voting at the current registered address (when it does not coincide with the permanent one on the ID card) has expired - the applications for voting at the current address had to be submitted by March 20.

From now on, only those who are isolated in their home, where their permanent and current addresses coincide, as well as people who have already applied to vote at their current address, will be able to vote there. I

 If, within three days before the election, some of these people find themselves in compulsory isolation due to a positive sample, contact with an infected person or return from abroad and are therefore unable to go to the polling station to which they are assigned, they must submit a separate application for mobile voting.

 In order to organize a mobile section for a given region of the country, at least 10 applications for voting with a mobile ballot box must be submitted by March 31.

Applications are submitted to the respective mayors of municipalities, districts and local towns and villages. Due to the ban on leaving home, the CEC has identified four ways to do this:

 - filled in by the voter and submitted to the municipality by a proxy

- filled in and submitted to the municipality by a proxy (in both cases the power...

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