Bulgaria Adopts National Migration Strategy for 2021-2025

The Council of Ministers Wednesday adopted a National Migration Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2021-2025 period, the Government Information Service said. The document provides a policy framework for setting up a comprehensive and stable regulatory and institutional basis for successfully managing regular migration and integration, for providing asylum seekers and international protection beneficiaries in Bulgaria with the requisite care, and for preventing and suppressing irregular migration.

The strategic goals outlined by the Strategy include better management and implementation of migration and asylum policies, providing sustained legitimate options for regular migration in line with the EU's legal framework and with a view to attracting highly qualified third-country nationals to the EU, fair and effective asylum granting rules, and providing support for effective integration policies.
In addition to these key components, the document proposes a framework for the development of visa policies, curbing
irregular migration and trafficking in human beings, providing care of unaccompanied minors, and handling migration in case of sudden migratory pressure and in an emergency./BTA

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