Romania sends 142 firefighters in Greece in new mission for putting out fires

Romania will send to Greece 142 firefighters, 8 trucks of putting out forest fires, three tanks, a command center, two Multirisc containers, an intervention vehicle, as well as other means of logistic support, among which a drone which can be used to fly by around the areas the interventions will occur. The Romanian firefighters will intervene for putting out fires that are affecting an area close to Athens. According to a press release sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI), the mission is a response to the request of international assistance submitted on Thursday by the Greek state, through the European Mechanism of Civil Protection. The firefighters that left for Greece come from the the Emergency Management General Inspectorate (IGSU), The Special Unit for Emergency Situations and 16 county inspectorates for emergency situations. IGSU, as a national contact point, received a request from the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC), by the Greek authorities to grant international assistance, given the emergency situation generated by the spread of wildfire on the Greek territory. As a result of activating the European Mechanism for Civil Protection, the Romanian Government decided to grant an external emergency humanitarian aid to the Greek authorities.AGERPRES(RO - author: Eusebi Manolache, editor: Mihai Simionescu; EN - author: Catalin Cristian Trandafir, editor: Maria Voican)

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