Weather in Bulgaria: Mostly Sunny with Max Temperatures Between 25° and 30°C
At night it will be clear and almost quiet. In the morning, visibility will be reduced in some places. The minimum temperatures will be mostly between 10° and 15° Celsius. Today it will be mostly sunny. In the afternoon from the west the clouds will increase and in the evening in the extreme western regions it will rain.
A light to moderate northeast wind will blow and cool air will begin to enter. Maximum temperatures will be between 25° and 30°. Atmospheric pressure will decrease and will be lower than the average for the month. Such is the weather forecast of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the weather forecaster on duty Boryana Markova told FOCUS News Agency.
It will be sunny over the Black Sea coast, with temporary increases in cloudiness mainly along the northern coast. A light to moderate northeast wind will blow. Maximum air temperatures: 21° -24°C. The temperature of the sea water will be about 21°C. The sea wave will be 2-3 points.
It will be sunny over the mountains. In the afternoon from the west the clouds will increase and in some places in the massifs of Western Bulgaria it will rain. A light to moderate wind from the north-northwest will blow. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters will be about 22°C, at 2000 meters - about 15°C. In the following days with a weak to moderate east-northeast wind the cooling will continue - in the beginning the decrease of the daily temperatures will be more significant and on Tuesday the maximum will be between 18° and 23°C; from the middle of the week the minimum temperatures will begin to slowly decline. There will be significant clouds and precipitation, in more places and more in quantity on Tuesday and Wednesday...
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