Green Certificate for Antibodies Finally Approved in Bulgaria. But from When?

From Thursday, November 11, green certificates obtained after antibody testing will be introduced. This was announced at a briefing today by the Minister of Health Stoycho Katsarov.

The certificate will be for people who have had Covid asymptomatically, or for those who have tested themselves with a test from the pharmacy.

IGg antibodies will be sought. The figure will be 150 bau per unit.

The certificate will be issued by the National Health Information System:

"The requirement is that the laboratory test be performed and, accordingly, if the values ​​exceed the levels set by the experts, a person can receive a certificate that will be valid for 90 days," said Katsarov.

The document will be valid only on the territory of the country for a period of 90 days.

The result from the laboratory will have a reference number, which everyone will be able to fill in the system and receive a certificate.

The virologist Prof. Radka Argirova explained:

"Its purpose will be to be owned by people who are relatively well protected, protected from the next virus infection. That is, not only did they get sick, but people who did get sick, but also protected."

The Ministry of Health recommends green certificates in the polling stations for the elections

The health ministry recommends green certificates for sectional election commission members, observers and advocates during Sunday's two-in-one elections. This was announced by Minister Katsarov. He explained that he had a meeting with CEC members yesterday, but they refused. Katsarov explained that in this case the elections will be held in compliance with disinfection,...

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