"That's what Putin really said"; Two Harpoons destroyed; Threat of the United States

In Ukraine, the offensive of the Russian army on the Donetsk region continued, the evacuation of civilians was ordered in several cities.
The Ukrainian army continues to shell Donetsk using so-called "NATO-caliber" missiles. Fierce fighting is also taking place in the area of Grigorovka.
The fiercest battles are for Slavyansk. The explosions also echoed in Kharkiv.
The Finnish parliament has adopted the law on raising obstacles on the border with Russia and closing the 1.300 kilometer border.

Hydroelectric power plant in the Kherson region hit Foto: Profimedia

Ukrainian forces fired rockets at the hydroelectric power plant in Nova Kakhovka in the Kherson region, and some were wounded, said the deputy head of the administration of that region, Kirill Stremousov.
"The hydroelectric power plant was attacked this morning. There are wounded, we are determining how many there are," Stremousov said.
The head of the military-civilian administration of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, said that the anti-aircraft defense successfully repelled the Ukrainian missile attack and thereby prevented catastrophic consequences for the residents of that region.

Peskov explained: Putin really said that

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov explained yesterday's statement by the President of Russia that Russia has not yet started anything serious in Ukraine.
Peskov reminded that the potentials cannot be compared and that Russia's potential is so great that now only a small part of it is involved in the "special operation" in Ukraine.
"No, this time I will not direct you to the Ministry of Defense. Those are really the words of the head of state. But the head of state was only reacting to the statements heard from...

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