Finnish Parliament

"That's what Putin really said"; Two Harpoons destroyed; Threat of the United States

In Ukraine, the offensive of the Russian army on the Donetsk region continued, the evacuation of civilians was ordered in several cities.
The Ukrainian army continues to shell Donetsk using so-called "NATO-caliber" missiles. Fierce fighting is also taking place in the area of Grigorovka.
The fiercest battles are for Slavyansk. The explosions also echoed in Kharkiv.

Nassional Assembly Speaker Tsveta Karayancheva is Visiting Finland

A parliamentary delegation led by National Assembly Speaker Tsveta Karayancheva will be on an official visit to the Republic of Finland, reported the Bulgarian National Radio. 

Bulgarian parliamentarians will talk with the chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Finnish Parliament.

There is also a meeting with His Eminence Leo, archbishop of Helsinki and all of Finland.

Finnish ‘Ok’ to Greek bailout plan

Finnish Finance Minister Alexander Stubb on Thursday said his country is ready to participate in the third Greek bailout deal.

“We have come a long way during the summer. The future of euro was at stake…. but now we’ve got a solution and will live with it,” Stubb said after the Finnish parliament’s grand committee in favor.

Businessman wins Finnish vote, immigrants go to parliament

Two immigrant candidates, Turkish-born Ozan Yanar and Afghani-born Nasima Razymar, have been voted into Finnish parliament, while a millionaire and former telecoms executive, touted as a technocrat capable of rescuing Finland from its economic slump, won the weekend's parliamentary election.

Finland's Juha Sipilä Wins General Vote

Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb has admitted defeat in parliamentary elections held in the country on Sunday, with his party coming second.

The opposition Centre Party, led by millionaire former IT businessman Juha Sipilä, has won with 21.2% of the vote, while support for Stubb's National Coalition Party (NCP) was at 18.2%.

Finnish Parliament Approves Same-Sex Marriage

The Finnish Parliament has approved a bill allowing same-sex marriage, reports the Yle public broadcaster.

The vote was 105 to 92, with one MP absent. The vote had been expected to be closer.

The unprecedented outcome marks the first time that a citizens' initiative has received lawmakers' blessing to be written into the law books.