Albania sent a note to Europe: We adopted the resolution that also concerns Kosovo

This is the Resolution on the unfoundedness of claims about the illegal trade in human organs in Kosovo and Albania, adopted in the Albanian parliament on July 21, 2022, with a request to submit it to the competent authorities, Kosovo Online learns.
The accompanying note specifically singles out the parts of the resolution that contain the claim that the allegations from Dick Marty's report, even after 10 years of investigation, have not been proven, nor are they based on facts, as well as an invitation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to prepare a new report in which they will review allegations of illegal trade in human organs.
"The Permanent Representation of the Republic of Albania to the Council of Europe expresses its compliments to the permanent representations of the member states and observers in the Council of Europe and has the honor to inform that the Parliament of the Republic of Albania adopted on July 21, 2022, the Resolution on unfounded allegations of illegal trade in human organs in Kosovo and Albania", it is stated in the Albanian note.
As it is added, the resolution attached to the note is a response to Resolution 1782 (2011) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, "Investigation of allegations of inhumane treatment of human beings and illegal trade in human organs in Kosovo", which is based on the report (Document 12462 . dated January 7, 2011) by Dick Marty.
"According to the resolution adopted by the Albanian Parliament. On July 21, 2022, the allegations made in the Dick Marty Report on the killing of people for the purpose of harvesting and selling their organs and the illegal trade in human organs in Albania and/or Kosovo, which are listed in paragraphs 1 and 4 Resolution 1782...

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