Airbnb: Which areas of Athens do foreigners like and dislike?

Overall, Airbnb properties in Athens have a top score of 4.73/5 from 537,000 reviews up to September 2022, with some areas clearly performing better than others. But, if you're planning to visit Athens and want to stay at a short lease property here are the areas you should look for and… avoid.

According to a related survey by Tourix, there is an increasing offer of accommodation in Athens through the Airbnb platform (+25% compared to December 2021).

Plaka, Neos Kosmos and Koukaki "lead the race"

The top three areas of Athens, which host the most accommodation, are Plaka, Neos Kosmos and Koukaki.

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The average price per night in an Airbnb accommodation in Athens is 95 euros (+9% compared to December 2021), while the three areas with the highest price per night are Zappeio, Polygono and Plaka.

What 537 thousand reviews from travelers show

According to the survey, visitors, who place a lot of weight on accommodation reviews, gave higher ratings to accommodation in Polygono (4.91), the area around the 1st Cemetery of Athens (4.85), Ellinoroson and in Zappeion (4.83 both).

Next is the area of ​​Kolokynthos and Votanikos (4.8), Koukaki-Makryiannis (4.79) and finally with 4.78 Pagrati, Acropolis and Kolonaki.

On the contrary, the worst reviews were received by the accommodations in Agios Eleftherios (4.54), Patisia (4.55), Rizoupoli and Platia Attikis (4.58). Slightly higher reviews were given to the accommodations in the Probonas area and Amerikis Square (4.59), in Pedio tou Areos (4.6), Gouva and Kypseli (4.65), as well as Ilisia (4.67).

Location played an important role in the ratings. Indicatively, solely based on location,...

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