Fate of the old mines on Serifos back in the spotlight

The move by the new owner of large areas of the old mines on the Aegean island of Serifos to put up signs defining its borders has caused a local uproar.

The dispute started two months ago when signs were placed at various points on the island bearing the words Property Seriphos Mines and the name of the French-owned company Societe des Mines de Seriphos et de Spiliazeza au Laurium.

"They put up signs in Koutalas and Megalo Livadi. We removed them and we will remove them again," Mayor Kostas Revinthis told Kathimerini.

"It is reportedly claiming a huge part of southwestern Serifos, about 250 hectares and a few areas in the central, southeast and north," he said.

"The deeds of the company that operated the mines in the previous century are unclear. Every 10-20 years it comes back under different ownership and claims the land," he added, resulting in court...

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