Weather in Bulgaria will be mostly Cloudy, almost No Precipitation

Cloudy weather will prevail today, but there will be almost no precipitation. It will blow weak, in Eastern Bulgaria - a moderate wind from the north-northeast. The minimum temperatures will be between minus 3°C and 2°C, in Sofia - about minus 1°C.

The maximum temperatures will be between 2°C and 7°C, in Sofia - around 2°C. It will be mostly cloudy over the mountains, but there will be no precipitation. It will blow to a moderate wind from the north-northeast, until the end of the day in the high and open parts the wind will be oriented from the north-northwest. The maximum temperature at a height of 1200 meters will be around minus 1°C, at 2000 meters - around minus 5°C.

It will be mostly cloudy along the Black Sea, but there will be no precipitation. A moderate northerly wind will blow. Maximum temperatures will be 6°-8°C. The temperature of the sea water is 9°-10°C. The excitement of the sea will be 2-3 points.

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