Gordian knots binding us to failure

[InTime News]

There are too many unresolved problems and maladies to count behind the tragedy at Tempe, chief among which is the inadequacy and improbity of the political system. The Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE) evolved into a massive black hole of waste and mismanagement under the stewardship of the politicians and political parties who governed the country over the course of many years, who appointed their cronies without compunction, spent as if there was no tomorrow and who knows what else. OSE is one of the many reasons, in fact, why Greece went bankrupt. Then the troika of international creditors came along and decided that Greek politicians were not interested in really modernizing the company so they imposed cuts on staff and salaries. We went from one extreme to the other. And then came Brussels, which decided to break up the Greek rail service into different pieces, so a system...

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