Greece’s blue gold

A combine harvester cuts wheat in a field on the Thessaly Plain, central Greece. Thessaly, known as the country's breadbasket, has lost some 13% of arable land and extreme weather has caused the flooding of crops but also soil erosion. [AMNA]

March 22 marked World Water Day and the launch of the 2023 UN Water Conference in New York. Last week also marked one of the most important debates for the Greek legislature and the Mitsotakis government regarding transforming Greece's water management.

Water is the biggest threat facing the 21st century. Water is linked to our world economy through climate, agriculture, energy and health. Water is the thread that binds all humanity. New definitions of economic governance, accountability, ethics and legitimacy require a new form of leadership that takes a systemic approach towards ensuring the human and national security of its citizens. Water security is climate security, is food security, is human and national security.

The key message is that water is fundamental to life and it will require a multi-stakeholder approach of government, business, the financial...

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