Transparency authority to probe fresh pushback allegations
Greece's independent authority for transparency will investigate new reports that the authorities were involved in illegal pushbacks of refugees after the New York Times published a video allegedly showing the Coast Guard abandoning people at sea, many of which were children.
The probe was requested by the EU home affairs commissioner, Ylva Johansson, who said her officials had called for an independent investigation. "It is necessary that proper follow up is taken by Greek authorities, also based on the new independent monitoring mechanism," she said in a tweet on May 22. She also said that the European Commission was ready to take "formal steps, as appropriate".
In the video, which NYT said it had verified, a group of 12 asylum seekers, described as Somalis, Eritreans and Ethiopians, are filmed being driven in an "unmarked" white van to a remote spot on the Aegean...
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