Vučić revealed: "I'm not going to Brussels"

He answered questions from journalists after the meeting of the governments of Serbia and Hungary in Pali.
"I talked with Viktor about everything that is happening around Kosovo. I went to the talks for 11 years, I attended all the talks... We always wanted to reach compromises in order to preserve peace. We succeeded in that and progressed faster... We believed all this was possible until Kurti came to power, who never wanted to talk... He never wanted to listen... Let me tell you, I don't sleep at night, I didn't tell anyone what threats were sent to Serbia if the arrested Albanians will not be released...", said Vui and stated that he took these threats upon himself, because the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are suffering.
He also referred to the untruths that the arrested Albanians were treated badly and revealed that he will not go to Brussels.
"Serbs are arrested every day, because they are guilty of being alive! In the answers, we get bureaucratic responses that they don't want and don't know how to explain. They say which article, paragraph and the like it is. What did the people really do? They did nothing," says Vui.
says that Orban also told him that there is a lot of pressure on Serbia, and then he thanked for every advice, request and attention that is given to our country.
"I will not talk to Kurti until every arrested Serb is released and until their mayors withdraw from the municipalities. You know, Kurti has more important things to do at the Vatican, to ask for the recognition of Kosovo's independence," said the President of Serbia.
"What should the Serbs do, when they did nothing?" he added. President of Serbia stated that only Serbs were mistreated.
"No Albanians were shot, only the Serbs. They were...

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