Vucic informs Russian ambassador of situation in Kosovo-Metohija

LOZNICA - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he had met with Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko in Loznica, western Serbia, on Friday to inform him of the situation in Kosovo-Metohija and Pristina's daily provocations and threats to peace and stability.

"We discussed important matters of bilateral importance and interest to our two countries. I first informed Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko of the situation in Kosovo-Metohija, the daily, brutal provocations, the daily threats to peace and stability and the inefficient response of all those who were involved in dialogue and should have guaranteed the results of that dialogue," Vucic said after the meeting.

He noted that he had informed the ambassador of the gravity of the position of Kosovo-Metohija Serbs.

"It seems that we were met with understanding from the Russian side regarding that...

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