College Year in Athens revamps leadership

The Board of Trustees of College Year in Athens have announced their recent decision to enhance CYA's leadership structure.

After serving as president of College Year in Athens since 1986, Alexis Phylactopoulos has been elected to the newly established governance position of executive chair of the Board of Trustees of CYA. He succeeds Daphne Hatsopoulos, who has served as interim chair since July 2022. In his new role, Phylactopoulos will preside over the Board of Trustees, providing support and guidance to the new president of CYA. Together, they will collaboratively develop CYA's strategic goals and vision.

In addition to his responsibilities as the executive chair, Phylactopoulos will maintain a prominent presence at CYA. He will serve as the public representative of CYA, representing the institution both domestically and internationally. Furthermore, he will...

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