Mozemo! Dashes Hopes of Croatian Leftist Alliance

There will be no left-wing pre-election coalition in Croatia to counter the main ruling Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ.

This was made clear after the opposition Mozemo! [We Can!] party announced it will go alone into the next elections, rejecting a pre-election alliance with the opposition Social Democrats, SDP.

"The party council … on Monday unanimously decided that we will go to the parliamentary elections in 2024 independently," party coordinator Sandra Bencic said on Tuesday in Zagreb.

She noted that their exit also includes their strategic partners from previous elections, including the New Left and the civic grassroots movements "Zagreb is Ours" and "Srđ is Town" from Dubrovnik.

"Research we ordered in May clearly showed that there is no positive synergy, in fact, that there is a negative synergy abouta coalition with the SDP," Bencic pointed out.

She left open the chances of forming a leftist coalition after the elections.

"Our decision to go into the elections independently [also] confirms that, at a national level, we will form a post-election coalition with parties from the centre to the left, and see the SDP as one of the main potential partners," said Bencic.

She insisted fighting the elections alone would likely mobilize the largest number of voters on theleft and so increase their chances ofending HDZ rule through post-election coalitions.

According to public opinion research, the party that arose from civic activism is today the third largest in Croatia in terms of support.

Mozemo! is open to post-election coalitions. Photo:

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