Croatian nationalism

Mozemo! Dashes Hopes of Croatian Leftist Alliance

There will be no left-wing pre-election coalition in Croatia to counter the main ruling Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ.

This was made clear after the opposition Mozemo! [We Can!] party announced it will go alone into the next elections, rejecting a pre-election alliance with the opposition Social Democrats, SDP.

Serbia ‘Finds List of 5,800 Children Saved from Croatian WWII Camps’

The Serbian Museum of Genocide Victims said on Friday that it has obtained a list with the names and details of 5,800 Serbian children rescued from Ustasa death camps in the Nazi-allied Independent State of Croatia, which was thought to have been lost or destroyed.

Austrian Interior Ministry Advised to Ban Croats’ WWII Bleiburg Event

An Austrian Interior Ministry group of experts presented a report to officials on Wednesday suggesting a complete ban on the annual gathering in Bleiburg in southern Austria which commemorates tens of thousands of Croatian Nazi-allied Ustasa troops and civilians who were killed by the Yugoslav Partisans in 1945.

Bosnia Needs Real Electoral Reform, Not More Segregation

The Sejdic-Finci decision, which concerns the inability of Bosnian citizens who are not part of the constitutive triad (i.e. Bosniaks, Serbs, or Croats) to be elected to the sate presidency, has remained unimplemented for more than a decade - during which time two general elections have taken place in Bosnia.

‘No Gathering’ of Croats at Controversial WWII Bleiburg Site: Police

A controversial annual mass gathering of Croats at Loibacher Feld near the Austrian town of Bleiburg, which has been accused of nurturing nationalist sentiments, is not expected to take place this weekend, Austrian police said on Thursday, after the event was also cancelled in 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic.
