‘Madmen’ troops commemorated with festival

A tradition in the northwestern province of Bursa of honoring the "Deliler" (Madmen) cavalrymen who oversaw the land army during the Ottoman Empire and attracted recognition for their exceptional courage and distinctive attire is celebrated every year with a special festival.

The Alabaş troops, comprising cavalrymen called "Deli" who served in the land army during the Ottoman Empire, attracting attention with their superior courage and different ways of dressing, are commemorated with a festival held on the second day of every Eid al-Adha in the rural Şehriman neighborhood, 36 kilometers away from Bursa's Mustafakemalpaşa district.

The festival, which commemorates the "madmen" troops, has been going on for almost 200 years.

In the neighborhood, consisting of 250 residents, especially teenagers turn the skins, heads, tails, horns and bones of the animals they slaughter into costumes, put masks on their faces, gather in the town square and scare the people around them.

This year's festival was attended by 500 people, including representatives of political parties, NGO executives and people from the surrounding neighborhoods.

In the festival where meat dishes were served, eight people wore special clothes made of sacrificial animals' skins and performed shows.

Speaking at the festival, Bilal Aydemir, President of Şehriman Education, Culture and Solidarity Association, stated that they will continue this traditional event, which has been going on for at least 200 years.

"This year's 'Alabaş tradition' attracted a lot of attention. The number of guests is increasing every year," Aydemir said.

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