Beer production jumped over 41% in 2022

Beer production in Greece increased significantly in 2022, with exports taking an increasingly important role, especially for the two biggest breweries, both foreign-owned.

According to data published Friday - which happened to be World Beer Day - by EU statistics agency Eurostat, Greek beer production in 2022 reached 565.34 million liters, a 41.26% increase from 2021 (400.22 million). This puts Greece in eighth place among 18 EU member-states for which data are available. 

The rise reflects not only increased domestic consumption because of tourism, but also higher exports: In 2019, the last pre-pandemic year and so far a record one for visitors, production was 397.69 million liters.

Although there are currently 71 active breweries, with the ranks of microbrewers swelling, the two dominant players, and export-driven leaders, are Athenian Brewery, owned by...

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